Out of Place: Mobility, Nomadism and Engagement in Alternative Cultural Places

  • 05.09.24 to 07.09.24
  • Malmö, Sweden

Alter-Places x NGBG (Malmö Workshop)

As DIY artists' spaces face increasing scrutiny from government entities and landowners, coupled with the rising pressures of real estate in "revitalizing neighborhoods," artists and cultural workers are losing vital spaces and territories within cities. This dynamic creates a sense of instrumentalization for capital interests. While this "no-place" situation has spurred innovative mobile and nomadic practices, it has also impacted the working conditions and engagement of artists and creative workers in Alternative Cultural Places (ACPs) over time.


This three-day workshop focused on the issues faced by ACPs and the strategies they employ to maintain their presence in gentrifying arts and cultural districts. We aimed to explore the unstable, nomadic, and activist practices developed within ACPs as creative responses to the scarcity of space. Our ultimate objective was to explore engagement and dis-engagement, and to envision alternative organizational models that support the development of cultural workers while fostering more inclusive territories through political and community engagement. 

The Alter-Places project & all its activities & productions are co-funded by the Europe Créative program.